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Patients' Common Questions

How much does the app cost?


Patients get a free 30 day trial when they initially sign up for the App.  Monthly subscription fees of $5.99 USD + applicable taxes apply after.  A percentage of our proceeds will be donated to organizations that benefit bHRT and safe and effective Hormone Therapies.  For more information, please visit our pricing page


How do I save this website onto my phone homescreen, like a traditional app?


1. Visit on Safari/iPhone


2.           Click the Share button 


3.           Click the Add to Home


4. Complete by selecting "Add"


What treatments do you currently support?

Currently ArtemisCalendar supports tracking of Womens' bHRT Protocols, both Lunar Calendars and Personal Calendars.  We will be rolling out a Men's version in the future.


How do you store, save and use my data?


All of your personal health information data is stored and protected in our cloud servers.  Your treatment data can be accessed only by you and your current Provider.  We do not sell your data or information. More details can be found on our Privacy Policy


What if I want to do bHRT, but don't have an existing provider? 

ArtemisCalendar provides a list of available Providers on our platform, but this does not mean we are recommending any particular Provider.  You should only use ArtemisCalendar after you have established a relationship with a Provider outside of the App.  You can use our list of Pharmacies to start your search for a suitable Provider.


What if I'm a patient and my doctor or provider is not on the platform?

If your provider is not listed, you can select “I can’t find my Provider” from the dropdown menu and ArtemisCalendar will reach out to them on your behalf.  Patients can’t use the app without a registered Provider.


How do you confirm Providers on ArtemisCalendar?


Please note that while ArtemisCalendar confirms each provider, registration in no way indicates a recommendation by ArtemisCalendar of that provider.  Further, if a provider's certification or status lapses or changes, ArtemisCalendar may not be aware of the change. 


What Is The Difference Between Self Managed or Provider Managed Treatment? 


Self Manage is generally suitable for patients who are comfortable managing their own dosing without any Provider supervision.  Provider Managed treatments are recommended for patients who are new to bHRT, or have been invited to ArtemisCalendar by a Provider.  For more information about when to select each and how to switch from one to another. Visit



Providers' Common Questions

How can I join the platform as a Health Care Provider?


It's easy!  Go to and sign up as a Provider.  You will need to provide some information such as your NPI so that we can verify your credentials. Once your account is confirmed, patients will be able to select you as their Provider.


Is the app Free?


ArtemisCalendar is absolutely free for Health Care Providers.  There are no hidden charges or costs for Providers to use the App.  


Why can't my patients find or select me as their Provider?


After you've signed up as a Provider, we will need to confirm your credentials. This usually takes a day or two.  Once your registration has been confirmed, you may start accepting patients on the app and new patients can find you in the app provider list.


How do I onboard my patients?


Once patients sign up for the app and select you as their Provider, you will receive a new patient request notification from your account. You can also onboard patients to the app, and walk them through it, right in your office visit.  Integrating the use of the ArtemisCalendar app into your visits and conversations will help patients feel comfortable and also ensure accuracy and efficiency of use. 


I'm running into issues.  How do I get help or troubleshooting?


You can always reach us emailing, but remember that most issues that users experience are due to simple things like typos.  In fact, 95% of all issues we have seen can be solved by ensuring that things are spelled right and refreshing your browser.  Remember that Chrome or Safari Browser work best for us at this time.


Before emailing, remember to check our small but growing library of how-to videos.


Thank you again for using ArtemisCalendar.



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